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 GM Application: Note

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-03-08

GM Application: Note Empty
PostSubject: GM Application: Note   GM Application: Note EmptySun Mar 08, 2009 1:32 pm

Hello. My name's Mark, but in-game I'm Note. I'm fifteen years old, and male (or so I like to think). My time zone is GMT.

I pride myself in my mastery of the English language, and so would rate it 10. I also speak French and Spanish fluently, as well as partially fluent German, Polish, and Portuguese.

In my eyes, a GM has to be patient, tolerant, and just, as well as being a source of knowledge and a role model for all players. I have had extensive past experience as a GM, ranging over so many different servers that I've lost count of how many. I can commit quite a lot of time to the server during the week (augmented by the fact that I could be online while most of the rest of the GMs are asleep thanks to my time zone).
On weekends and vacations, I'd make it a point to be on almost all day.

I describe myself as a laid-back, outgoing person who also knows when to draw the line. I'm EXTREMELY fussy about the tiniest things.

I've played eMS since its opening, and have been playing private servers for the last couple years.

In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for reading my wall of text, and bid all other applicants good luck.
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