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 [GM Application] Reminisce

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[GM Application] Reminisce Empty
PostSubject: [GM Application] Reminisce   [GM Application] Reminisce EmptyMon Mar 09, 2009 6:27 pm

So I was told to follow NightThug's format; so here it is.
Real Name:Lily
In Game Name(s):Reminisce



Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Zone

How would you rate your English (1-10): 9

Other Languages: I know how to speak / listen to Cantonese, but I cannot read/write it.

What do you think are important qualities of a GM: Well, important qualities of a GM are to be responsible, fair and to set an excellent role model for players in game. Being responsible is a big thing for the job of a GM. If a person is irresponsible, they wouldn't be able to keep the server running smoothly, and cause problems. Being fair is also an important quality. If a GM is bias and treats a person better than another because they are their friend that already shows their lack of responsibility.

Have you had previous GM experience on an MapleStory Servers:Yes, I have. But the server wasn't quite big. It was almost the size of this one. I know basic commands and what is required for being a GM.
How much time can you commit to the Server during the week:I can play for at least 4 hours a day during the week. If there is less homework, I will be on for longer.

How much time a day on vacations/weekends:On weekends, depending if I'm free or not, I'll be on basically the whole day.

How would you describe yourself: Well, I don't really know how I am. I would say I like to talk alot. If I get to know you, you'll probably get annoyed by me cause of how much I talk. I would talk about things that are way off topic. I'm pretty stubborn almost all the time, but if you give me a REALLY good reason, I'll probably listen and change my mind about stuff. I also think I'm responsible enough to handle the job as being a GM. I've been playing Private Servers for a long time, and have made many GM friends and I understand what is required for being a GM.

How long have you been playing Private Servers Or Global MapleStory:I have been playing private servers like 2 months after Odin came out. And as for Global MapleStory, I've been playing the year it came out. So I've been playing MapleStory for at least 4 years.
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Posts : 12
Join date : 2009-03-08

[GM Application] Reminisce Empty
PostSubject: NICE   [GM Application] Reminisce EmptyMon Mar 09, 2009 9:55 pm

I have some suggestions of Ur App ur why should you pick me section is nice but if u add like hackers and etc in, it would have been better
Asian FTW
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Posts : 34
Join date : 2009-03-08
Age : 36
Location : The Nederlands

[GM Application] Reminisce Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GM Application] Reminisce   [GM Application] Reminisce EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 11:42 am

ImTyler wrote:
I have some suggestions of Ur App ur why should you pick me section is nice but if u add like hackers and etc in, it would have been better
Asian FTW

There isn't a good or better appl.

Back to the app -~-

It looks nice.
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[GM Application] Reminisce Empty
PostSubject: Re: [GM Application] Reminisce   [GM Application] Reminisce Empty

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